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AED 35.0035.00 AED

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AED 30.0030.00 AED

AED 46.0046.00 AED

AED 79.0079.00 AED

Qabli Polaw
Qabli Polaw is a variety of pilaf, It consists of steamed rice mixed with raisins, carrots.

Qabli Polaw with Meat is made by cooking long grained rice in a brothy sauce. This dish made with Meat. Qabli Polaw topped with fried sliced carrots, raisins, orange peel strips, and chopped nuts like pistachios or almonds.AED 50.0050.00 AED

Afghani Polaw with meat is made by cooking long grained rice in a brothy sauce. This dish made with meat. Afghani polaw topped with fried sliced carrots, raisins, orange peel strips, and chopped nuts like pistachios or almonds.AED 50.0050.00 AED

Qabli Polaw with Chicken Charcoal is made by cooking long grained rice in a brothy sauce. This dish made with Chicken charcoal. Qabli Polaw topped with fried sliced carrots, raisins, orange peel strips, and chopped nuts like pistachios or almonds.AED 56.0056.00 AED

Qabli Polaw with Chupan kabab is made by cooking long grained rice in a brothy sauce. This dish made with Chupan Kabab. Qabli Polaw topped with fried sliced carrots, raisins, orange peel strips, and chopped nuts like pistachios or almonds.AED 62.0062.00 AED

Qabli Polaw with Chicken Boti is made by cooking long grained rice in a brothy sauce. This dish made with Chicken Boti. Qabli Polaw topped with fried sliced carrots, raisins, orange peel strips, and chopped nuts like pistachios or almonds.AED 50.0050.00 AED

Qabli Polaw with Mix B.B.Q is made by cooking long grained rice in a brothy sauce. This dish made with Mix B.B.Q. Qabli Polaw topped with fried sliced carrots, raisins, orange peel strips, and chopped nuts like pistachios or almonds.AED 62.0062.00 AED

chicken Shami Polaw is made by cooking long grained rice in a brothy sauce.AED 50.0050.00 AED

Qabli Polaw with seekh Boti is made by cooking long grained rice in a brothy sauce. This dish made with seekh boti. Qabli Polaw topped with fried sliced carrots, raisins, orange peel strips, and chopped nuts like pistachios or almonds.AED 50.0050.00 AED

Qabli Sada rice is made by cooking long grained rice in a brothy sauce.AED 20.0020.00 AED

Qabli Polaw with Fish is made by cooking long grained rice in a brothy sauce. This dish made with Fish. Qabli Polaw topped with fried sliced carrots, raisins, orange peel strips, and chopped nuts like pistachios or almonds.AED 62.0062.00 AED

AED 62.0062.00 AED

AED 39.0039.00 AED

Sada Afghani polawAED 20.0020.00 AED

A classic food recipe from Turkey's rich cuisine: pilav, rice cooked in butter.AED 20.0020.00 AED

We wake up early to make the city’s best barbeque: every day, at every restaurants

AED 84.0084.00 AED

AED 56.0056.00 AED

Afghani Seekh Boti is an old and traditonal cuisine .it has great taste and sure to say that BBQ lovers won't miss it by any rate.AED 56.0056.00 AED

AED 62.0062.00 AED

AED 50.0050.00 AED

AED 45.0045.00 AED

AED 45.0045.00 AED

AED 84.0084.00 AED

AED 62.0062.00 AED

AED 50.0050.00 AED

AED 151.00151.00 AED

AED 140.00140.00 AED


AED 156.00156.00 AED

AED 95.0095.00 AED

AED 84.0084.00 AED

AED 140.00140.00 AED

AED 50.0050.00 AED

AED 95.0095.00 AED

Family Deals

Best Meal for 3 PersonsAED 210.00210.00 AED

Best Meal for four personsAED 230.00230.00 AED

Best Meal for five PersonsAED 265.00265.00 AED

Best Meal for six PersonsAED 300.00300.00 AED

AED 207.00207.00 AED

AED 174.00174.00 AED

AED 240.00240.00 AED

Mughlai Cuicine
Enjoy The Real Taste of MUGHLAI CUICINE

AED 56.0056.00 AED

AED 34.0034.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED

Turkish BBQ
Enjoy the REAL TASTE of Turkish Cuisine

AED 290.00290.00 AED

AED 223.00223.00 AED

AED 245.00245.00 AED

AED 84.0084.00 AED

AED 84.0084.00 AED

AED 73.0073.00 AED

AED 73.0073.00 AED

AED 0.000.00 AED

AED 62.0062.00 AED

AED 62.0062.00 AED

AED 45.0045.00 AED

AED 56.0056.00 AED

AED 62.0062.00 AED

Turkish Cuisine

AED 62.0062.00 AED

AED 73.0073.00 AED

AED 67.0067.00 AED

AED 45.0045.00 AED

AED 45.0045.00 AED

AED 45.0045.00 AED

AED 46.0046.00 AED

AED 39.0039.00 AED

AED 45.0045.00 AED

AED 34.0034.00 AED

AED 39.0039.00 AED

AED 45.0045.00 AED

AED 50.0050.00 AED

AED 62.0062.00 AED

AED 73.0073.00 AED

AED 67.0067.00 AED

Fast Food

AED 50.0050.00 AED

AED 50.0050.00 AED

AED 45.0045.00 AED

AED 45.0045.00 AED

AED 67.0067.00 AED

AED 56.0056.00 AED

AED 67.0067.00 AED

AED 57.0057.00 AED

AED 67.0067.00 AED

AED 56.0056.00 AED

AED 39.0039.00 AED

AED 39.0039.00 AED

Vegetable Pasta
Red Sauce / White Sauce AED 45.0045.00 AED

Chicken Pasta Red Sauce / White Sauce AED 50.0050.00 AED

Vegetable Fettucine Alfredo PastaAED 45.0045.00 AED

Chicken Fettucine Alfredo PastaAED 50.0050.00 AED


AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 20.0020.00 AED

AED 36.0036.00 AED

AED 30.0030.00 AED

AED 20.0020.00 AED

AED 23.0023.00 AED

AED 5.005.00 AED

AED 10.0010.00 AED

AED 26.0026.00 AED

AED 24.0024.00 AED

AED 12.0012.00 AED

AED 17.0017.00 AED


AED 25.0025.00 AED

AED 25.0025.00 AED

AED 25.0025.00 AED

AED 25.0025.00 AED

AED 16.0016.00 AED

Mix & Healthy Juices

AED 44.0044.00 AED

AED 40.0040.00 AED

AED 40.0040.00 AED

AED 40.0040.00 AED

AED 40.0040.00 AED

AED 40.0040.00 AED

AED 40.0040.00 AED

AED 40.0040.00 AED

AED 40.0040.00 AED

AED 40.0040.00 AED

AED 40.0040.00 AED

AED 26.0026.00 AED

Fresh Juices

AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 40.0040.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 26.0026.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED

AED 40.0040.00 AED

AED 37.0037.00 AED
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